Hello Friends!
The day has finally arrived. We will resume corporate (in person) worship for all who feel comfortable, September 13th. Unless you are part of the worship team, we ask that you remain in your cars until we open the doors at 10:15 am. In accordance with state laws and guided by the best practices to keep each other healthy, we will be requiring that you wear a mask the whole time you are here. If you do not have a mask, we will provide you one.
I am nervous and excited to resume worship in this way. I'm excited to see immediate feedback to my preaching, but I'm nervous that someone may get sick by coming. Please know that we are trying as hard as we can to make worship a pleasant experience for people who choose to stay home as well as those who choose to come. You will not be judged by me or any leadership of the church for choosing either option! In fact, I would encourage you to not judge anyone for any reason, for "judgement is mine, says the Lord."
Speaking of judgement, we have seen a lot of people, many of whom describe themselves as Christians, saying and doing horrible things to each other in the news and on social media. As I have chatted with people these last couple of months, I have felt convicted by the Spirit (words I don't use casually) to begin addressing the topic of Christian Unity. Jesus encouraged us to be "one" just as he is one with the Father. What does that mean? What role does diversity play in that? What do we need to agree about? How do we agree and disagree and remain united in Love? What does that look like in our democracy and in our social media?
To that end, I'm beginning a new sermons series on the 13th called "State of the Union." From the 13th through Thanksgiving, I plan to explore the concept of Christian Unity. To be transparently honest, this frightens me terribly! I will do my best to be neutral and inoffensive, but the nature of our political and social climate is such that offense happens far too easily. My biggest fear is that I will unknowingly upset someone, and that they will leave or foment dissent with others, rather than come and talk to me. If I do offend, please come talk to me. I have never learned anything from someone's silence, but I have learned plenty by listening.
My hope in this, is that we can begin to change the way we engage with each other and with the world we live in, by making Christ our prime affiliation in our minds. I hope that the world will see Jesus reflected in us when we are unified in our diversity.
As a final encouragement, take time to read 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 and meditate on how it applies to the body of Christ in today's political context.
My love and blessings to you all!
Pastor Jeff | |
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